����� ������������ OpenNet.ru / ������ "������������ ��� Linux" / ������

9.8 �������� spec-����� � XML-�������

RPM spec-���� - ��� ��������� ����, ���������� ����������������� ����������. ������������� XML ��� �������� ����� ���������� - ������������ ��� ������. � �������� ����������������� ����������� �������������� ������ spec-����� � ������� XML. ������� rpmxmlbuild ������� rpm-�����, ��������� ����� ����.

������ XML spec-����� ������� ����:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<spec distribution="RPM Test" vendor="rpm.org"
name="bash" version="2.05a" release="02test"

<source name="%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2"
size="1434025" md5="c29b50db808003e39558a0f6354f4cad"



<require name="bash" />

<require name="gcc" />

<require name="make" />


<!-- packages -->

<package group="System/Base" autoreqprov="no">


<require name="glibc" />


<summary>The Bash package contains the bash program.</summary>

Bash is the Bourne-Again SHell, which is a widely used command interpreter on Unix systems. Bash is a program that reads from standard input, the keyboard. A user types something and the program will evaluate what he has typed and do something with it, like running a program.

<files list="%{name}.files.lst" />


<package name="bash-doc" group="Documentation/System/Base" autoreqprov="no">


<require name="%{name}" />


<summary>Documentation for the bash package.</summary>


<pre script="%{name}-doc.pre.sh" />

<files list="%{name}-doc.files.lst" />


<!-- scripts to create the package -->

<prep script="%{name}.prep.sh">

<setup />

<script>echo "Prep completed"</script>


<build script="%{name}.build.sh" />

<install script="%{name}.install.sh" />

<clean script="%{name}.clean.sh" />

<!-- changelog -->


<changes date="Mon Aug 26 2002" version="2.05a-02test"
author="" author-email="">

<change>Added setup macro to extract files</change>

<change>Initial version ready for jbj</change>




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